These notes were taken from the margins of the book The History of Belpre by C.E. Dickinson, owned by Kristin Bush.

The margin notations were made by Eunice Horton, the granddaughter of Betsey O’Neal.

 I have provided an abbreviated (incomplete) descandancy below. Hopefully, this will make understanding the notations easier.

1 Joseph O'Neal
  + Eunice Cole
    2 Ezra H. O'Neal
1 Colbert O'Neal
  + Seraph Dwight Dana
    2 Edwin Russel O'Neal
      + Nancy Jane Scott
        3 Joana D. (Josie) O'Neal
        3 William R. O'Neal   
1 Betsey O'Neal (grandmother)
  + Benjamin Franklin Stone (grandfather)
    2 Milton Stone (uncle)
    2 Susan Esther Stone (mother)
      + Daniel Bent Horton (father)
        3 Eunice Horton
        3 Bessie Horton

Page Text Notation Notation by
Inside cover Lucy Dana married a Browning. She was our mother’s Aunt Lucy. Eunice
Cover Page Eunice Horton bought this book from Della Prince Pride on Friday June 28, 1929. Eunice
1 Referring to Indian Mounds – The one which is most complete is situated on the ridge in the east part of Rockland on land now owned by Jessie Pride. This is the one of Grandpa Stone’s place. Eunice
113 I believe the Center Belpre brick school house where our parents and uncles went to school was built in 1837. Eunice
151 O’Neil, Ezra H., age 21, Volunteer, November 18, 1861, three years, 73rd regiment, Company F, private, attained rank of orderly sargeant, served two years and three months, honorably discharged Feb 1864. Severly wounded at Gettysburg. Our mother’s cousin. Eunice
159 1861 – Names of Officers and Men of Captain Frank Loring’s Company. Mentioned are J.L. O’Neal, E.M. O’Neal, D.B. Horton, Milton Stone, E.R. O’Neal. D.B. Horton is our father. Mary Ann Powell was Uncle Miton’s first wife. Flora Rarick was his second wife. Eunice
184 The following statements are taken from the a historical paper prepared by Mrs. C.L. McNeal and presented at the Semi Centennial Celebration in the village church. In 1822 a class of 21 members met in the school house on the farm of Joseph Newbury near the site of the present Rockland Church. with Joseph O’Neal leader. Our mother’s uncle. Grandma Stone’s brother. Eunice
195 List of Women’s Reading Club Officers. Listed as auditor is Miss Josie O’Neil. Uncle Colbert, father of Russell. Russell was mother’s cousin. Josie is Russell’s daughter, Will was her brother. Eunice
Index Lists both Colbert and Joseph O’Neal. Mother’s uncles. Eunice

These notations make a strong case for Betsey being the daughter of John O’Neal and Judith Settle. The timing of the probate, as seen below, seems to contradict that conclusion. This conundrum remains to be solved.

Will abstracts of Culpeper, VA, v.3, (1803-1809)
Culpeper Will Book E 20 June 1803-16 October 1809. p. 68
Edited & Published by Ruth and Sam Sparacio
1320 Mayflower drive, McLean, VA 22101
Copyright 1988

P214 Pursuant to an Order of the Court of Culpeper, we have first been 
sworn, have proceeded to appraise the Estate of JOHN ONEALE, decd, as 
followeth...(which inventory includes...Negro sarah aged about 50 
years, $100; Negro Solomon, aged 7 years, $133; one horse, two beds, a 
saddle, a woman's saddle. seven chairs, kitchen furniture, forty logs 
in the Town of Washington, five stacks of wheat. JUDY ONEALE 
Gabriel Smither
James Garrott
Chas Harper

At a court held for Culpeper County the 16th of February 1807
This inventory of the estate of JOHN ONEALE decd was returned into 
court and ordered to be recorded.

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