Well we started in early today – 4:45. Ate at 5:15 and was briefing at 6:15. Mandy and Hussey were to take the mission. The take off was at 9:29 and they returned at 11:45. Their target was Poix airport, France. They run into a lot of flak and one ship, 808, was shot up so bad it was grounded for parts. One gunner on it was wounded. The rest was OK. The other ships got some good coverage. Went went into Earls Colme and cashed our checks and I and Ben R moved our stuff up to Andrews Field. We are to be here for good I guess. We took care of all of our business and returned at 5:00. We are all tired out and have to finish putting up our lab tent tomorrow. So we had better hit the sack early. Got 5 letters today hurrah. John, Mary, Rosemary, Bill Wood, Nurse (purely platonic).
Sat, August 12, 1944
Entered the 231 station hospital today for consultation & diagnosis.