Sat, June 19, 1943

No entry.


Mon, June 19, 1944

Was up at 7:30 & as it was too late to make the chow hall had to eat cold field rations. While we were eating a P-38 dived low & crashed across the road from us in a vacant field. The flame and smoke leaped at least 200 ft. The pilot was thrown clear of the plane & was burned. Is raining and very dark out today so it looks like no work. The Col. got ants in his pants so we loaded our cameras and started out in the rain. We went thru Maisy & it was not hit so bad by bombs.  Alney the road were old boats & whatever else that could be found and used for tank traps. Fields on both sides of the road were filled with bomb craters. Cardonville was our next stop & it had its share of the bombs. The big sight was Ibigny where the whole center of the town was leveled. The ground troops  had the Germans holed up there & then retreated  & had the 8thAAF come over & bomb it & after attacked took the town. The Yanks & the French are now cleaning away the streets & everyone seems to be doing there bit. We were greeted on every side & after touring the ruins back to Grandcampe at 12:05. More cold rations and some hot coffee. After lunch I hit the sack & didn’t stir until 4:00. Ate, then Augre & I took a walk & took in some gun emplacements & ammo dumps. The Jerry sure left in a hurry for they left all arms & ammo intact.  Went to bed at 10:00 but same old story ack ack kept us awake most of the night.


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