Was put on stand by on the company today & at 2:00 was taken off and had to get our stand by truck ready to go. I am supposed to go on location tomorrow. Bud Shill & I went to town tonite.
Tue, November 2, 1943
Capt Culver tried to get me to stay with the unit. He did not want them to take me & fought it. But the order was signed by Gen Eaker so he had to let me go. He was rugged about it tho & had me up all night getting equipment & the boys ready to go on a mission. I suppose I’ll leave tomorrow. He’ll hold me as long as he can tho. They’re going out again in the morning so I have to help get them ready. Going to bed early.
Thu, November 2, 1944
Was exhausted today & will know tomorrow if I need an operation.