Wed, October 11, 1944

They came around today & took my British money to get it exchanged for American currency. It’s rumored we leave in a day or so. Everybody in the ward is all hopped up.


Thu, October 12, 1944

3 boys left this morning by plane for Scotland & then the states. All were litter patients. We should be going soon. I am a litter patient too. Some one said we are going by boat.

Tue, October 17, 1944

Left the 65th Gen Hospital for the states. There were 100 of us being shipped back. We boarded the steamship New Amsterdam, Holland American Line.


Wed, October 18, 1944

Weighed anchor at 1:30 AM. Took a walk around deck. Had my first white bread in 18 months today also bacon & fresh eggs.


Thu, October 19, 1944

Ran into a storm during night. Everybody sea sick Our cabin of 12 done all right, no one sick. Had a bananas today, what a treat.

Fri, October 20, 1944

Storm let up today at noon but sea is still rough as hell. Played poker some today.


Sat, October 21, 1944

Beautiful weather now. Took a sunbath this morning & played poker all afternoon. It is terribly hot at night in the cabin. Can’t sleep.


Sun, October 22, 1944

Still fine weather & spent all day on deck. Still hot at night.


Mon, October 23, 1944

Won $10.00 today in poker. Still fine weather & calm sea.

Tue, October 24, 1944

Spent all day making Rosemary a belt of different colored strings. Everybody excited today for we land some time tomorrow.

Wed, October 25, 1944

Arrived in Boston at 11:30 and the band was out to greet us. It was a swell sight to see the good old USA again & know that you’re home. Disembarked at 3:00 to a hospital train. Went to Camp Robert’s Mass. German POW’s were our stretcher bearers.


Thu, October 26, 1944

Signed the payroll & got paid today. The RC gave us a party today, music & eats. Went to the show in the evening.


Fri, October 27, 1944

The doc was around this morning & I had my ears looked after. Received a telegram from Mary & was very happy about it. The Elks gave us a stage show this evening. It was sure good. Had my first drink of bourbon.


Sat, October 28, 1944

Got a 10 hour pass & went to Buzzards Bay with a friend & his brother. His brother bought all drinks & a lobster dinner. Had a swell time & got a little tight.


Mon, October 30, 1944

Left Camp Roberts by air today for CA. Was air bound at 9:00 & stopped at Cleveland, OH and Chicago, IL. Stayed over night at Grand Island, NE.


Tue, October 31, 1944

Left Grand Island at 9:00 & stopped Colo Springs, Denver & arrived at Ogden, UT at 6:00 where we stayed the night.


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