Sun, September 27, 1942
Took my laundry home Sat & Mary got up early & washed them. After 11:00 church I came home & pressed them. Bob & Clara came over & we had a few beers. They left early & I was in bed by 10:00. Mary brought me in Mon morn & 6:30.
Mon, September 27, 1943
Left London at 4:30 this morning and arrived Braintree at 6:30. I was lucky & caught a ride out to the field. I got here at 7:00 & the boys were out. Capt. & Slate were at briefing & the boys were putting the camera in the ship. They were going to Beaumont Tille Airdrome in France. They run into lots of flack & one of the 323 BG lost a plane & only one got out. One chute hung up in the tail & jerked the boy right out of it. Some of ships got shot up rather bad. I am up tomorrow & hope it’s not so rugged. Slept most of the afternoon and this evening. We sat around in our tent & swapped tales of fishing & hunting. We made the mess & got coffee & spam & bread & made us a pot of coffee & had spam & egg sand. It’s 10:30 now & to bed for me. Still no mail. I cannot take this much longer. Maybe better luck tomorrow. I don’t think anyone loves me.