Family History gives you two choices: Individuals and Family Groups.

  • Individuals shows you: family members by name; dates and places of births, marriages, and deaths; the source of that information; and, a link to his or hers immediate family.
  • Family Groups sheets give you: names of parents, spouse, and children; dates of births, marriages, and deaths; as well as, additional information where appropriate.

Tables provides information in a concentrated form. Links are provided to take you other pages internally on the this site and externally to other web sites.

Research gives a look at questions that have been explored during my search for family members.

Reference gives information I found useful during my research.

Links provides access to some of the web sites I used during my research.

Also, there are links to other pages and/or websites throughout this website. Rolling your cursor over a link will turn the word or words light blue. Clicking on the highlighted word or words will take you to another page or website. Links are not traditionally underlined.

Clicking on a link will open a new browser page. I have done this so you can reference both the old and new page at the same time. That way you won’t have to potentially switch back and forth between pages.

Site Map displays a link to every page on this website. Sometimes useful when you know exactly what you are looking for.

If you have questions, suggestions or comments please contact me

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