Tue, August 1, 1944

Went on furlough for 8 days. Went to the hospital to see Bobbie & he was in good spirits. They are sending him to the 1st Gen then home. Went to Braintree & spent my furlough with the Wiseman’s


Wed, August 9, 1944

Returned from my furlough today. My back & hip is bothering me terrible & I have a few more boils on my thigh. Going on sick call in the morning.


Sat, August 12, 1944

Entered the 231 station hospital today for consultation & diagnosis.


Sun, August 13, 1944

Had x-rays of my leg & saw doc. Said my leg had a pulled tendon. Most of the boys in my ward are from France & what cases. They all seem to want to get back to the fight. They are a great bunch of boys.


Tue, August 15, 1944

Today British & American troops made a landing in Southern France. It was received here in the hospital with great cheer. Perhaps it will soon be over. Doc turned me over to physical therapy for treatment.


Sun, August 20, 1944

Was released from 231st today for duty. My leg still bothers me but they didn’t seem to know what to do with me & the Major said he knew I did not have the examination I should of had but there were so many wounded that they didn’t have the time to bother with me. I was glad to get back anyway.


Wed, August 23, 1944

Went back to the 231st to have core taken out of one of my boils to have a vaccine made of it. Then when it’s finished I’ll take shots to try & get rid of these damned things. Paris was taken today by FFI & I think another month should see it about over.


Thu, August 24, 1944

Went over to see  Barney Ferlemann today to get some eats from him. Got Burm(?) cheese, butter, jam, tea, & fruit juices. Barney was sweating out going back to the states. It’s rumored that we are going to move to a different zone.


Thu, August 31, 1944

My right leg gave way on me this morning & I went to the hospital here on the base. I was put in a bed & Doc is going to look me over tomorrow good.


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