Got up rather late. Was supposed to go to Huntingdon to get some parts of salvaged planes for camera mounts. Missed the truck. So just before noon Capt. and I and Ben R, a still man, went to Boxted Field to photograph the bomb damage caused by a 300# bomb the Jerry dropped on there. About 20 nissen huts were wrecked and one officer was killed while dressing at front of his dresser. Another was in bed and a piece of the bomb entered the side of the hut, went thru the dresser, came out front, knocked a handle off, passed over his face cutting it, & tore his clothes hanging there to shreds. It just wasn’t his day. We arrived back at camp at 5:00 and 2 of our boys, Mandy & Slate were up on a mission. They went to Triqueville, France and fairly laid low a large airport there. We are going to develop the film tomorrow & see just how bad. The Capt. and I are up next. It rained this evening & looks like it might keep it up all day tomorrow.