We had inspection this morn & had some snappy drill & then had the rest of the day off. Al Mandelero, Jean Harm & Bobbie O’Neal and myself proceeded to get about 1/2 intoxicated & had a swell time. Took Jean home at 9:00 & then we finished at 2:00.
Sun, February 20, 1944
Slept until 11:00 today. Had breakfast & went to Wide Wing to see the gang, Fred West and the boys. As luck would have it they were out on a job & I didn’t get to see any of them. At 12:30 was back in London & took in the pubs until they closed at 2:30. Then went to a show in the evening & Jerry almost broke it up with another raid. They are getting closer together now and are aimed at London. Boy what noise. I was in bed at 1:00 after shooting the bull with a gang at the ARC.