Continued from June 22

as I let go of the grenade. It went into the window & man oh man what a blast. I didn’t wait to see if I had got him but heaved the other in behind it. We waited & no more firing. The Capt. came from behind the Jeep. It was foolish to do but nothing happened. He led the way & the sniper was there OK but was splattered all over the room. He was about 22 & had blond hair but the blast had singed it about off. I was sick at my stomach & walked out. The Col. reported it when we arrived back that night at 9th AAF HQ. I hope I never have to see another thing like that as long as I live. We move out tomorrow & I’m sure glad of it. I don’t mind the air but I’d never make a good infantryman.

Wed, June 23, 1943

No entry.


Fri, June 23, 1944

Was up at 7 and ate and started packing. We gave our excess rations to our French friends across the street and I bid the guys Erett & Yooron goodbye and made our way back to the air strip. We ate while waiting for a plane & it arrived & we loaded our Jeeps and trailers in & said goodbye to France at 1:00. We took a British Gen with us to the Hendon Airfield outside of London & after getting some doughnuts & coffee at the RC left for Graves. We arrived at Graves at 3:30 & unloaded & was on our way back to High Wycombe at 7:00 ate & then took our long overdue shower & hit the sack & enjoyed our first nights sleep in over a week.


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