Sat, May 15, 1943
Well today is my wife’s birthday. God bless her. She is sure doing her share towards bringing victory our way. I sent her a message although restrictions would not allow me to say much. I also asked for $10.00 and in 6 hours it was here. What a sweet woman. We had it easy today nothing to do as all the men were in KP & the NCO had a swell time looking the camp over. All the boys that live near here got until Monday morning off. I got a pass from 5 until 1 and went to New York with Bobbie. We visited the Stage Door Canteen & walked around looking over the city. It hasn’t changed a lot only dirtier looking. We went to a stage show & saw Junior Miss. It was a honey of a show & we had nice seats. We caught the subway at 11:30 and was back to camp at 12:30. My feet were killing me for I had worn my new GI’s to town.
Mon, May 15, 1944
Hope my wife gets her card today. It wasn’t the best in the world but it was all I could find in this country. Am going to look around for a present for her from this country in order for her to remember my being here on her birthday. Hope she misses me as much as I miss her. We left Pinetree at 10:30 & the trucks followed us. Bart, Mac, Gene, Fieldnoun, & I went on the Recon & went ahead of the boys. Stopped at New Mark & had dinner & arrived here at Walton at 2:30. It’s a permanent RAF base & sure looks good. Hope we like it here for I have an I have an idea we will be here for awhile.