Sun, November 1, 1942

Went to church at 10:00 and spent the day home. Bud Sharky & his wife & I & my family went for a visit to the RKO Ranch. After supper Bud & his wife came over & stayed until 1:00. We had a few drinks & a little fun.

Mon, November 2, 1942

Was put on stand by on the company today & at 2:00 was taken off and had to get our stand by truck ready to go. I am supposed to go on location tomorrow. Bud Shill & I went to town tonite.


Tue, November 3, 1942

Left at 4:00 for North Island, San Deigo

Sat, November 7, 1942

Went home with Bud Sharkey tonite. Stopped at his aunt’s & his cousin’s. Cousin got us ½ pint. We stopped at my sister’s & then stopped by Buff Jones’s house & had several beers Then after taking me home Bud came back at 9:00 with a pint of whiskey.


Sun, November 8, 1942

Spent a quiet day home. Don Triano came over & we had dinner & then after dinner we went over to sis’s. Then we called Bud & his wife & got home at 10:00. At 10:30 drove over to Hollywood to get Rosemary & Wendy her boy friend. In bed at 11:30.


Mon, November 9, 1942

Spent all day getting ready to go on location. We are going to Marsh Field & then San Diego. Bud & I went up town  & had a few beers & then came back to camp & was in bed by 10:00.


Tue, November 10, 1942

Left at 7:30, a ½ hour late. Arrived at March Field at 11:45. Was sure driving that big truck down. Started shooting at 1:30. Had to paint the camera car OD color. Saw a Flying Fortress that had been shot up at Hawaii (I think this is what he was trying to spell). The blood was still in the gunners pit. One plane came near crashing. Couldn’t get the landing gear down.


Wed, November 11, 1942

We awoke at 6:00 this morning & was on the field ready to shoot at 7:30. We got a lot of work done & at 11:00 they gave me a bit to do in the picture. There were 3 of us picked. We were supposed to watch a plane about to crash. It was a close up shot. This afternoon a plane came in with 2 of its 4 motors stalled. All crash wagons & ambulance were standing by to help if necessary. We had a camera set up to get it but it came in OK.


Thu, November 12, 1942

We were on the set at 7:30 this morning and we finished up at 2:30. Colin Kelly’s widow was given the DS medal & they had a big parade and we photographed it & recorded sound of the burial. We are leaving here in the morning at 5:00 for San Diego. 3 of the boys were notified after chow to pack & go back to our base & get their yellow fever shots. They are going overseas for service. That’s how quickly it happens. They are probably going to Africa to photo air battles. I wish they had called my name. This doing nothing is getting me.


Fri, November 13, 1942

Arrived here at Fort Rosencrans at San Diego at 12:00. It took us til 2:30 to get our beds & mattress & barracks. We then had the rest of the day off. We are attached to the B Battery of the 19th Coast Artillery. We can look out our window and see the battleships coming into North Island. We go to Consolidated tomorrow to shoot.

Sat, November 14, 1942

We were up at 6:00. Went out to the field at 7:30. Around 10:00 they brought in a B-24 bomber & we made one shot all day. We were late getting in and had to dress in the dark. We got a pass for th night & Bobbie drove the truck in to San Diego. We wired for some money & it was there waiting. We stood guard over the truck from 9:30 to 10:00. After we went to see the town. There was at least 1,000,000 soldiers, sailors & marines there.


Sun, November 15, 1942

We worked today all day. We only got one shot for it was a cloudy & rainy day. We got back to camp at 6:00 & again had to dress in the dark. We heard Major Keigly is coming out to our outfit & ask for volunteers for Africa. Hope I can go. I want to get into this thing. Went to the show, 15¢, & saw “Forest Ranger.” It was a swell show & had lots of laughs. Am ready for bed after closing this 10:00.


Mon, September 16, 1942

Out again at 7:30 and we had a beautiful day to shoot. We had two crews going & took the take off & landings with one crew. They brought us down box lunches from the outfit & they sure were good. 2 planes, Northrup trainers, crashed here today. One pancaked onto the runway & one dived into the bay. Both pilots were killed. We have been receiving news of the naval battle in the Solomon’s & the US really had a day. 23 Jap ships to 8 of ours. It was our greatest sea victory to date. It has lasted 6 days.


Tue, November 17, 1942

Well it looks like we might finish up here tomorrow. I sure hope so for I sure want to get back home if  only for a little while. They are sure a swell bunch of boys these boys of Batt A-19-CA. They came and took 2 of our sound men to go to the other side & it’s rumored that we are all going. I could use a little action now it’s getting rather dull this picture routine.

Wed, November 18, 1942

Went to the show last nite & saw a fairly good show. Not much happened today only thank God. We will be finished tonite & leave Thu noon. A big transport was pulling into the harbor this morn as we were leaving for location. There were lots of destroyers & sub chasers in the harbor too. A big convoy must have returned successfully. They had an alert here today & all guns were manned on the Fort. It was rumored that several Jap ships were sighted off the coast. No body.


Thu, November 19, 1942

Well we left Fort Rosecrans behind at 8:00 this morning and when we got up it was raining like hell. It rained until we got about 60 miles from home. Everybody was glad to get away from there & back home again. We arrived in Fort Roach at 1:30 & then had the rest of the day off. I went home but felt rather sick. I also got word today that I am going to Florida then back to Louisiana on a pic. Will be gone 2 or 3 months. Will leave in 2 or 3 weeks. 


Sat, November 21, 1942

They let us out at noon today & I went down to where Mary works & met the gang & got the car. Went with Carol & Ben & Rosemary & her boy friend to the barn dance at Venice Pier. Had a swell time & got home at 4:30 Sunday morning.

Sun, November 22, 1942

Had dinner with sis. Mary & the family had fixed chicken & was it good. My throat hurt so bad couldn’t eat much.


Tue, November 24, 1942

Left the camp at 7:30 & arrived at March Field at 10:15. Set up for our first shot & then came back to barracks & fixed our clothes. We got one shot before dinner & at 2:30 was back on the field. We had one shot were a B-24 was supposed to look like  it was running into a hangar. They came so close & taxied around between the hangers. The Major at the field here gave the pilots hell. We have one shot left tomorrow.


Wed, November 25, 1942

Well we were up at 5:30 & was out to finish up here at March Field today. We had to photograph a P-38 taking off & we had to use the runway several times. We had to run for it because of planes landing. One plane’s landing gear almost touched our truck top parked near by. Murphy & I went up to the post Thanksgiving dance. Had a fair time. Left there at 12:00 midnite & went to San Berdo. We stayed at SBABase & slept on the floor in a hut. Was it cold. Went to bed in dark & got up in dark.

Thu, November 26, 1942

Left San Berdo at 11:30 after shooting a wreck of a trainer plane. Just had two shots & finished them up in a hurry. We were convoyed thru town & had 2 very narrow escapes. I almost took a car that did not stop at our sirens. We arrived back at post at 1:45. Murphy is going out to sister’s with me for Thanksgiving Dinner. He’s from Maryland & a very long way from home. I sure like him & hope we turn out to be good fiends. Am ready now to S-S-S & leave this hole.

Fri, November 27, 1942

We really had a fine dinner at sister’s Thanksgiving & had a wonderful time. Took Rosemary’s boy friend to camp at Pasadena & then Murphy & I hitched a ride back to our base. Was late for roll call & got called into the First Kick’s office. Got out of it alright.


Sat, November 28, 1942

Went out to Griffith Park with the Co this morning & took a couple of shots. It was really foggy so we came back by noon. Rest od the day bunk fatigue.


Sun, November 29, 1942

Found out today we are leaving on location for L.A., will be gone anyway until after Xmas. This is going to be punk Xmas without being with the family. Windy came over & we went to 12:00 mass. They had the high mass, the start of 40 hours, very beautiful services. Mary & I went over to Bud Sharkey’s house until 9:00. Mary & I was tired so to bed.


Mon, November 30, 1942

Was supposed to get paid today but no cabbage. I spent all day getting my standby stuff packed for location. It’s all ready now whenever they are. Hope it’s soon.


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